Saturday, February 12, 2011



At dis moment, I wanna share with u guys about martial arts. The martial art can be categorized into several types but I will only discuss one of it which is Silat Seni Gayung Malaysia.

Why I'm so happy to discuss about it? coz I've joined dis martial art since I'm form 4. Thanks to my silat teacher at SBPI Selandar, Mr. Zamir Bin Mohd Sharif aka my Chemistry teacher in Form 4 and Form 5 coz make me luv to silat gayung.

Mr. Zamir taught us a little bit harder than I've learned at UTM coz we have a training during night, twice a week at school field. So we learned the silat with not enough light and only light from moon accompany us. That's I a litle bit harder to catch the silibus. What I like most when Mr. Zamir teach us is he urge gurls to involve with "Tenggiling" and "Lompatan Harimau" eventhough most of gurl would not do it becoz of scared, shy or what so ever. Really to get White Belt, first belt we got, Mr. Zamir oblige all his martial students which not so many to do "Tenggiling" and only boys do the Lompatan Harimau. I've manage to do the Tenggiling coz when I'm a kid, I like to lay my leg on the wall and then my body were push toward back and become like ball. hehe..

Actualy I wanna try dis Lompatan but afraid to do it coz chance to get injured is too high if I'm not landing at the ground in the right way. Even when I'm in UTM, my teacher En. Mohd Noor train boys. I'm so impressed coz they can jump pas over 3 or 4 boys or when the boys were rukuk.

En. Md Noor taught us how to do the " Harimau Jump"

This was  my fren Shafiq demostrated the lompatan. ^_^

The  couples Arel and Jt were doing buah no ?? 3 or 4 I think.
I take Kursus Kenaikan Tali Pinggang when in 1st year, so very long ago. hehe

We were practicing a day before Kenaikan Tali Pinggang as a real situation with a juri 
stands nearer and watch us doing all the routines. The juri was Abang Helmi my silat senior.. I like!! ;p

Now, its time for gurl to show what they got.. yeay bebeh!!..
show it to boys.

Teacher gave us a lecture. Jangan ingat g clas jer ade lecture. huhu
Just explanation what to do the next day so everything will go smoothly. ;)

We were queue up, the procedure to choose our partner for the grading.
See I'm the second last in the line, I'm going to partner with Arfah..
After going through wit Arfah, she a bit tough. At training I always be partner with Aina.

This was adat Buka Gelanggang. In this ritual, we sit like duduk antara dua sujud and baca Fatihah, Surah Ikhlas and selawat atas nabi. Then we rub or face body all over, with God help to protect us from get injured during the training. This is good. we left our fate to ALLAH n believes Him only.

Grading already started.

They are doing Bunga Tanjung steps.

Bunga Tanjung is lovely, when done it n feels the movement
our body will feel good and sweat alot. But must do it with passions. 

Now, lets focus on activities that I'm participated along with Kelab Silat Seni Gayung UTM (KSSGUTM)

since i join dis club, lots of activities i've been go through such as below pic Siswa Merdeka at National State held in UTM.

segan ar tengok pic nie.. hehe
time mude2 dulu mase 1st year awal sem 2
I was in special grup doing demonstration " Bunga Tanjung" infront special guest that day.

Aina stand above our thigh.. But to do this make sure ur kekuda strong enough.
kalo x jatoh belepek la membe ko tu sia2 jer. hihi

then, we have kursus induksi at kamida village. dis kUrsus were make to enhance member club knowledge on club administration. We are divided into grups and then we need to finish d task given and present to all. We learn to work as a team n be confidence to speak n give creative ideas.


this is my group name as Teletubies. So terpaksa la ktorang wat trademark teletubies. 
Sume orang dok gelak2 kat ktorang jer. Ktorang memang comey cam teletubieskan.. kikiki

Our membe grup were all cute.. hehe Break for a while n pose for d picture
Sempat lagi tu.

Beria-ia apis menerangkan kat sume. Aku hanya bercekak pinggang jer. isy2

See other grup with deir face mask commercial.. Nice laa..
After bergelumang ngan mud. Senior ktorang pakse sapu mud tu kat muke.
Sape xnak sapu dorang tolong sapukan. ;D

haa yang sorang nie terejal semacam abg sinchan namenye. Like sinchan kan..
Die nie cam budak2 prangai, suke kaco die. I Like laa ur style.
Name sebenar Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Adam. KSSGUTM treasurer during dat time.

This was upacara Perlimau Tapak. 
This ritual were done by teacher in d means that he accept us as his students.

naa.. dalam plastik tu ktorangnyer limau n bunga2 tok di wat mandi bunga.
Nampaknyer cepat ler aku kawen nanti. hihi

finish jer perlimau tapak, we take d opportunity untuk berendam dlm tasek kat Kamida Village tu. Memang dalam la waa kate, kaki xcecah pon kat lantai tasek. Naseb baek ade tali.
Bler time tenggelam xdapat pegang tali tu panik gak. Huhu coz I nie mane reti swim.

si mamat poyo bernama apis nie dok bergaye depan kamera.
Jap lagi si baba nie tolak la die dalam air. Aku da kena sekali mase kayak kat tasek biru.
Jaoh lagi nak sampai kat tepi die da terbalikkan kayak ktorang. Ak tenggelam la masok air dlam idong. Ak da menjerit2 kate jgn die lagi r wat. Shit u Baba.. ;p

Next, Martial Arts Demostration for Convocation Festival 2008 at Padang Kawat. The preparation 4 dis demo was really exhausted. Need to learn new routines or bunge n keep practicing 4 fighting scene.

see dats me..demo kali nie lame

 ape erk ktorang ngah wat nie.. bersemngat walaupon mase tu ujan agak lebat
sampai ak susah nak bukak mate, lantai pon licin bahaye.

Nie serangan dari grup pompoan, taiko berbelt merah yg kena serang tapi yg xbeshnyer ktorang kena kalah kat Kak Li nie.. xbesh btol.
Tringin gak nak jadik hero.. hehehe
Ak serang dari belakang n tekan leher die, pastu Kak Li jatuhkan ak by pulling my body dari atas badan die. So die kena tundukkan badan sedikit. Sebab practice benda nie wat 1st time, Kak Li terover do it n jatohkan secara kasar n pale ak terhantuk koat kat tanah yg agak berbatu. wa cakap lu memang sakit terkate la rase nak pitam mase tu.
Tapi sebab wa kebal boleh teros praktis cam bse. Tahan la beb saket tu.

nie r hero kebanggaan ktorang sume. Akmal n Abg Eismat.
Dorang maen parang jer, pisau2 xmaen ar. hehe
Mase Siswa Merdeka Eismat injured kena parang tumpul, banyak darah. Coz die maen dlam cahaya samar2. Dorang maen memang real bukan lakonan, sampai ade percikan api dari parang.


one of d hero dead.. cewahh. hihi

fuhh.. berpeluh2 nak siapkan entri nie.. so many i wanna share. Lets move on the next program Kamida Village Demonstration.

see my eyes agak bengkak coz not enough sleep..
sleep too late around 4 am. we arrived there at night.
Kamida Village had festival n open for community around there.
There's been fishing competition, drawing n coloring 4 kids, modified cars exhibition and etc.

kak Suhaili and Norli were busy handle kids competition. 

 its like family day, dad busy with fishing competition, kids busy with coloring and mom gave support to both dad n kids. hehe

 these kids so busy color2..;)

interpreme kat shafiq's pic.. sory ya huhu
xde keje cari keje.

hi caye rabit kat Kamida Village nie.. Comeykan sayer. Sayer pon nak posing gak
kuikui ;D

dis la our job, hanging around snap pic jer..asek2 muke nie jer da xde 
muke orang laen da. Actually we wake up too early dats why no work to do.

ikan ape nie erk. ak da lupe tapi ikan nie ade misai panjang.
fuhh.. besar2 banyak ikan dalam tasek nie.
dulu kan ktorang pernah mandi, dengar kata ade ikan toman dlm tasek tu.
naseb baek la ikan tu xgigit kaki ak. - _-"

 ikan nie nakal cket, die jump out from pail.
"arr, aku nak lari masok dlam tasek blek. xnak kena makan!! help2!!"

fire was burn out from car eczos.. dats the attraction they offer.

dis car becomes our victim.. pose abes haisy..

see, sampai sanggop pinjam abg nie nyer tiger..
uisy2 malu la cket woii.. tapi abg xkesahkan.. hihi ;p

dey present silat infront crowd, only senior involve
dis jus refreshment, wait at night we all will involve.

i'm not familiar with dis artist but dey said dis is man kidal rockers.

we are happy practicing together. time nie sume cam crazy. maen2 n dis was the right moment for us to know each other, have jokes and become more close within seniors and juniors.

our movemont must be sycronize. by practicing together is d way to get it.

too much time til we can watch tv together gether. hehe
our demo is dat night. so santai jer kat ctu.

berlawak jenaka yg terlampau. aku tengok da cam human ball lak dorang nie.
senior memang sengal2.
tepi skali abg ucop,tengah syapiq sebaya ak n bawah akmal tue setaon jer.

nengok tu.. laptop ak lak jadi mangse.
nak cam laptop kebajikan, masing2 gune laptop tok on9.
ctu wifi koat. download laju gler.

my look after wearing silat clothes.
ok x?? huhu nampak ganas tak.

pose cun dulu before wat aksi ganas.. kikikih..

pas da pukul kena tolong partner bangun blek.. ^_^

sepakan juring

ok.. maybe u think joining silat only training jurus or buah baru but actually there are also fun activities such as annual dinner. I've lot experiences in handling event like dinner for 3 times. 
n my fren jt was the director for dinner program in year 2 n had ask me to help him handle lots of thing. Thanks to him eventhough I'm really busy but I already know how to handle food, protocol, cenderamata or gifts, decoration and secretary. All I done it at one time and becoz wanna help him, I manage to do it by myself.

jt's event.. malam seharum budi (SENDI)

dinner at my 3rd year. I help junior as possible I can.
I'm handling d decoration 4 d hall, VIP's flower, wedding stand.
Stage curtain and d set up 4 flowers. N dat night my juniors gave me award for "Gadis Bunga". Maybe xde award yg jahat2 kot nak bagi kat ak. cdey.. hehe

 with my juniors and frens..

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