Monday, April 27, 2015


Assalamualaikum & selamat malam semua ;)

Dah pagi gini baru ada mood nak menulis hehe. Siang-siang sibuk dengan benda lain. Okay Ika nak perkenalkan new products lagi tau hahaha suka benau jual macam-macam produk. Tapi yang Ika jual gerenti best gerenti berkesan. Siapa yang biasa jadi regular customer Ika tahulah produk Ika jual memang best walau harga mahal. Sebab mostly memang tiada campuran chemicals dan Ika suka sangat dengan organic products such as Mora Essential nih. Produk ni diperbuat daripada 'Minyak Argan Asli' tiada campuran dengan bahan-bahan lain.


In Morocco, the only place where the Argan tree is naturally found, the oil’s amazing curative properties have been revered for centuries. In the southern regions of the country, pure Argan oil is celebrated for everything from soothing skin redness to curing rheumatism and more.

Traditionally, Argan oil has been used topically to: • Protect against and heal skin infections
• Clear up acne
• Ease eczema
• Hasten recovery from chicken pox
• Heal cracks and burns
Credit to moraessential

Komen Mira Filzah mengenai cara pembuatan MORA ESSENTIAL

Kami nak cerita sikit tentang Argan oil yang kami jual ni. Argan oil kami adalah argan oil yang terhasil dari "cold press", iaitu salah satu cara untuk menghasilkan minyak dari kacang argan dan cara "cold press" ini adalah cara yang terbaik yang mana dapat mengekalkan vitamin dan zat yang ada pada argan oil. Memang diakui argan oil yang terhasil dari proses "cold press" ini mahal dan kami tetap memilih argan oil dari jenis ini kerana banyak kelebihannya selain kami mahukan yang terbaik untuk anda semua. 
MORA Argan Oil for Face:

You can use Argan Oil for skin during the day as well as overnight to nourish and moisturize the face, and to enhance skin rejuvenation process (especially during sleep). Try it instead of your usual moisturizing or rejuvenating cream or lotion. 
Depending on your needs, you can use MORA Argan Oil for skin two till three times a day or every night (or both) as a moisturizing agent for rehydrating, freshening and conditioning your skin. You can use MORA Argan Oil as your face serum, face moisturizer and even as your hydraying toner! 

MORA Argan Oil for Oily Skin:

It may seem counterintuitive to be rubbing oil on oily skin, but argan oil has been credited with drastic improvement of blemishes and acne prone skin. Acne is caused from the excess production of sebum (the natural oil produced by our skin). Argan oil helps to slow the production of sebum by tricking our skin into thinking it has enough oil already. After few weeks of use, your body will reduce its production of sebum and acne will begin to clear!  #MORAfacts

MORA Argan Oil for Hair:

Argan oil is proven to make hair softer, silkier and shinier. It is the ideal hair conditioner, and it can even help to treat split ends and tame frizzy hair. Using argan oil to condition your hair is extremely easy. The argan oil is able to help hydrate the hair in a natural way. It is able to stop the fly away of hair, the curliness and also the roughness of the hair in a natural and efficient way.

MORA Argan Oil for Nails:
One of the most helpful ways to make your nails always well groomed is by applying argan oil to it. Argan oil will help your skin and nails become moisturized and strong all the time. You can effectively use this special oil to your cuticles if you want this to become well groomed all the time. You can use this to dip your nails in it for some regular use. #MORAfacts

MORA Argan Oil as nighttime moisturizer:

Argan oil absorbs quickly and does not leave an oily residue. After cleansing your skin with a cleaser, put two to three drops into your palm and apply it to your face in a circular motion or tapping motion. This oil is gentle and safe to use around your eyes. The Vit A and Vit E can help to reduce fine wrinkles! 

All the feedbacks dari pengguna MORA

feedback mora essential mira filzah

minyak argan asli dari morocco

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

Yesss, kalau baca dlm Internet kebaikan Argan Oil ni memaaangg banyak. Salah satunya utk penyakit kulit/eczema. Mmg ada Internet kata macam macammmm, banyak sgt kebaikan. Tp biasalah Internet . Hari ni bila dpt feedback mcm ni, baru mcm "Ohhh betul lah dlm Internet pun ada kata boleh cure eczema"  *baru teringat*. Mira tak minta pun Yuyu sapu dkt baby, tak bagi cadangan pun! Yuyu yg sapu sendiri atas inisiatif sendiri. Alhamdulillah, berkesan dan Yuyu sendiri personally WhatsApp utk bgtahu psl ni.  Thank you Yuyu! ️ 

Feedback dari blogger terkenal Yuyu Zulaikha 

feedback mora essential mira filzah

feedback mora essential mira filzah

Harga RETAIL: RM60 SM RM65 SS (not included postage)

Pre-order (readystock before June)

SMS/Whatsapp Ika +6013-7549178

COD Shah Alam sahaja


  1. i wanna ask. if guna argan oil ni means kita ta perlu guna toner or serum lagi kan?
